Next steps

We have barely touched the surface of what R has to offer today. If you want to take your skills to the next level, here are some topics to investigate:


  • Writing functions.
  • Using if statements.

The Software Carpentry in R course introduces R as a programming language.

Tidying and summarizing data

  • dplyr by Hadley Wickham, and also tidyr, readr, stringr.
  • magrittr’s %>% operator for chaining together data frame manipulations.

These tools play well with ggplot2, which we saw in the previous chapter.


Bioconductor is a collection of bioinformatics related packages, including the popular limma and edgeR packages for RNA-Seq analysis developed at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, and packages such as rtracklayer, GenomicRanges, and Biostrings for working with DNA/RNA/protein sequences and genomic features.

Even more functions and packages

As ever, the help system ?functionname is your friend.


  • Many statistical tests are built in to R.

  • Linear models, and the linear model formula syntax ~, are core to much of what R has to offer statistically.
    • Many statistical techniques take linear models as their starting point, including limma which we will be using to test for differential gene expression.
    • Many R function repurpose the ~ formula syntax for other ways of relating response and explanatory variables.

See “The R Book” by Michael J. Crawley for general reference.

The books “Linear Models with R” and “Extending the Linear Model with R” by Julian J. Faraway cover linear models, with many practical examples.

Q&A sites

Stackoverflow-style sites are great for getting help:


The Monash Bioinformatics Platform offers:

  • Weekly drop in sessions where you can get help with R, or general bioinformatics problems.
  • Informal Wednesday afternoon talks, which often relate to R.
  • Courses on various topics through the year.

Join the mailing list to hear about future events.

Also, the COMBINE student and early career researcher organization runs Software Carpentry workshops.
