Using bio-ansible

Quick start

sudo apt-get install unzip make gcc git python-virtualenv
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk ant golang-go
sudo apt-get install git htop tmux vim

virtualenv ~/ansible_env
source ~/ansible_env/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install ansible

git clone
cd bio-ansible/
ansible-playbook -i hosts bio.yml --tags dirs,bds,rnasik,star,bwa,hisat2,subread,samtools,htslib,bedtools,picard,qualimap,fastqc,multiqc

export PATH=$HOME/bioansible/software/apps/BigDataScript-0.99999g:$PATH
export PATH=$HOME/bioansible/software/apps/RNAsik-pipe-1.4.9/bin:$PATH


Tools prerequisites

I tried to account for every sub-dependency in bio-ansible, definitely checked against vanilla ubuntu 16.04 linux distro, however other systems/linux distros might have slight deviation from this. If you run into trouble please double check dependencies for the tool that is failing. There is quite a spectrum of languages there in the pipeline, C/C++, java and python so far. One can image the difficulty to accommodate every distro and/or system. I'm doing my best !

System prerequisites

In order to install system dependencies you'll need admin privilege i.e sudo

General, these are you "stock" utils, that most running system will/should have

sudo apt-get install unzip make gcc git python-virtualenv

samtools, htslib and bwa deps, these are some what specific libraries

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev

Java and BigDataScript, these again rather generic packages, except golang. Note that golang is pretty easy to install, comes as a pre-compiled binary here if you don't want to get it through system package mamanger

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk ant golang-go

Extras, these are optional dependencies, but tmux especially recommended as pipeline run could take some time to complete provided you are doing this on remote machine (server), which is also recommended

sudo apt-get install git htop tmux vim

Running bio-ansible

Follow ansible installation guid to get ansible then:

git clone
cd bio-ansible/
ansible-playbook -i hosts bio.yml --tags dirs,bds,rnasik,star,bwa,hisat2,subread,samtools,htslib,bedtools,picard,qualimap,fastqc,multiqc

Alternative installation method for RNAsik

If you have all of the tools installed and you just need RNAsik you can simply git clone it. It doesn't require any other installations/compilations. BUT you do need to have BigDataScript installed and have it in your PATH for RNAsik to run

git clone

Make RNAsik analysis ready

bio-ansible is complete bioinformatics stack (with heavily genomics focus at this stage) deployment written in ansible script, which depending on a type of deployment might require admin privilege i.e sudo. Given that system prerequisites are satisfied one don't need sudo to install bioinformatics stack, primarily bio_tools.

In this docs there is an assumption that user either has sudo rights and/or able to install system prerequisites OR already has those dependencies installed and therefore can simply use bio-ansible as per installing RNAsik section above to get all required tools dependencies.

Also right now bio-ansible is focused on a particular tools/enviroment management type, which is lmod, where one can module load samtools into their environment for use, by default samtools isn't available in the current (shell) environment. This is rather common approach on HPC clusters. Because of that type of installation, if user doesn't have pre-installed lmod they will needs to either export PATH for every tool (sounds a bit annoying), OR export RNAsik into your PATH and them simply let RNAsik know where tools are through -configFile option.

export PATH=$HOME/bioansible/software/apps/BigDataScript-0.99999g:$PATH
export PATH=$HOME/bioansible/software/apps/RNAsik-pipe-1.4.9/bin:$PATH

copy these lines into file e.g sik.config and add -configFile path/to/sik.config to RNAsik

starExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/STAR-2.5.2b/STAR
hisat2Exe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/hisat2-2.1.0/bin/hisat2
bwaExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/bwa-v0.7.15/bwa
samtoolsExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/samtools-1.4.1/bin/samtools
bedtoolsExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/bedtools2-2.25.0/bin/bedtools
countsExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/subread-1.5.2/bin/featureCounts
fastqcExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/fastqc-0.11.5/fastqc
pythonExe = python
picardExe = java -Xmx6g -jar $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/picard-2.17.10/picard.jar
qualimapExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/qualimap_v2.2.1/qualimap
multiqcExe = $HOME/bioansible/software/apps/multiqc-1.4/bin/multiqc

If the user happens to have lmod installed, simply module use $HOME/bioansible/software/modules/bio to let lmod know about new modules and then simply module load RNAsik-pipe, which will automatically "pull" other dependencies into your environment. You can check that by module list to see what is in your environment