Insert -> Insert Cell Below
Type Python code in the cell, eg:
print("Hello Jupyter !")
Shift-Enter to run the contents of the cell
When the text on the left hand of the cell is: In [*]
(with an asterisk rather than a number), the cell is still running. It's usually best to wait until one cell has finished running before running the next.
print("Hello Jupyter !")
In Jupyter, just typing the name of a variable in the cell prints its representation:
message = "Hello again !"
# A 'hash' symbol denotes a comment
# This is a comment. Anything after the 'hash' symbol on the line is ignored by the Python interpreter
print("No comment") # comment
a = 5
Adding a decimal point creates a float
b = 5.0
and float
are collectively called 'numeric' types
(There are also other numeric types like hex
for hexidemical and complex
for complex numbers)
some_words = "Python3 strings are Unicode (UTF-8) ❤❤❤ 😸 蛇"
more_words = 'You can use "single" quotes'
triple_quoted_multiline = """In the last years of the nineteenth centuary,
human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.
Nobody would have believed that we were being scrutinized as a ....
.. etc ..
# You can substitute variables into a string like this.
# The variables listed after the string replace each `{0}`, `{1}` etc, in order
formatted = "{0} and BTW, did I mention that {1}".format(more_words, some_words)
# The example above is 'new-style' string formatting.
# You may also see 'old-style' (C-style) string formatting in examples, which looks like:
oldskool = "%s and BTW, did I mention that %s" % (more_words, some_words)
# There's lots of fancy ways to format numbers in strings (eg number of decimal places, scientific notation)
# we won't go into today. See:
# int + int = int
a = 5
a + 1
# float + int = float
b = 5.0
b + 1
a + b
some_words = "Python3 strings are Unicode (UTF-8) ❤❤❤ 😸 蛇"
a = 6
a + some_words
str(a) + " " + some_words
# Multiplication
a * 10
# Division
a / 2
# Power
# Modulus - divide as whole numbers and return the remainder
a % 2
# Shorthand: operators with assignment
a += 1
numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
# Lists can contain multiple data types
mixed_list = ["asdf", 2, 3.142]
list_of_lists = [mixed_list, numbers, ['a','b''c']]
numbers[3] = numbers[3] * 100
numbers.extend([14, 16, 18])
# The '+' operator for lists is equivalent to list.extend()
numbers + [100, 200, 300, 400]
tuples_are_immutable = ("bar", 100, 200, "foo")
tuples_are_immutable[1] = 666
unique_items = set([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4])
# or curly brackets
# unique_items = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4}
numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
# list[start:end]
# start is inclusive, end isn't
numbers[:3] # omitting start implies 0 (the very start)
numbers[3:] # omitting end means to the very end eg len(numbers)
numbers[-1:] # negative values reverse direction
# you can also specify a step size
# list[start:end:step]
# [:] is a shorthand for copying a list.
# Equivalent to:
# n_copy = list(numbers)
n_copy = numbers[:]
n_copy[3] = 8
Given the list: ['banana', 'cherry', 'strawberry', 'orange']
Return a list of just the red fruits.
Dictionaries store a mapping of key-value pairs. They are unordered.
Other programming languages might call this a 'hash', 'hashtable' or 'hashmap'.
pairs = {'Apple': 1, 'Orange': 2, 'Pear': 4}
pairs['Orange'] = 16
# list(pairs.items())
# list(pairs.values())
# list(pairs.keys())
dict_of_dicts = {'first': {1:2, 2: 4, 4: 8, 8: 16}, 'second': {'a': 2.2, 'b': 4.4}}
Functions wrap up reusable pieces of code - the DRY principle
Significant whitespace: the body of the function is indicated by indenting by 4 spaces
(We also use these indented blocks for if/else, for and while statements .. later !)
statements immediately return a value (or None
if no value is given)
Any code in the function after the return
statement does not get executed.
def square(x):
return x**2
def hyphenate(a, b):
return a + '-' + b
print("We will never get here")
print(square(16), hyphenate('python', 'esque'))
A new block of code should be indented by four spaces.
For a function, all the indented code is part of the the function.
and while
and conditionals like if
(Indenting/dedenting by four spaces in Python is the equivalent to opening { and closing } curly brackets in languages like Java, Javascript, C, C++, C# etc)
(You can technically use tab characters, but please don't. The official Python style guide prefers spaces
# Functions can return multiple values (just return a tuple and unpack it)
def lengths(a, b, c):
return len(a), len(b), len(c)
x, y, z = lengths("long", "longer", "LONGEREST")
print(x, y, z)
def split_at(seq, residue='K'):
Takes a protein sequence (as a string) and splits it at each K residue,
or the residue specified in the `residue` keyword argument. Split point
residue is discarded.
Returns a list of strings.
return seq.split(residue)
# Functions can have an indeterminate number of arguments and keyword arguments using * and **
import math
def vector_magnitude(x, y, *args, **kwargs):
# print(args) # args is a tuple
# print(kwargs) # kwargs is a dictionary
scale = kwargs.get('scale', 1)
vector = [x,y] + list(args)
return math.sqrt(sum(v**2 for v in vector)) * scale
print(vector_magnitude(1, 2, 4, 8, m=2))
a = 10
b = 0
a > 1
if a > 1:
print("a is greater than one")
word = 'Bird'
# Note: Double equals for a conditional vs single equals for assignment !
if word == 'Bird':
print('Bird is the word.')
if word != 'Girt':
print('The word is not girt.')
if 'ird' in word:
print("'ird' is in Bird.")
letters = ['B', 'i', 'r', 'd']
if 'i' in letters:
print("'i' is in letters.")
Protip: Long lines can be split across two or more using a backslash ('\')
This can make your code more readable.
There should be nothing after the backslash, including whitespace.
Try to keep lines shorter than 78 characters for a PEP-8 style bonus.
if 'I' not in 'team' or \
'I' not in 'TEAM':
print("There is no 'I' in team (or TEAM).")
# Boolean logic
# True and True => True
a > 1 and b <= 0
# True or False => True
a > 1 or b > 1
if a > 100:
print("a is greater than one hundred")
elif a > 50:
print("a is greater than fifty but less than one hundred")
print("a is less than fifty")
# For better or worse, there is no case/switch statement in Python - you just use if/elif/elif/else
# Truthyness
if a:
print("A non-zero int is truthy")
if not (a - 10):
print("The int 0 is 'falsey' ... not False => True !")
if '' or [] or () or dict():
print("We will never see this since an empty string, list, tuple and dict are all 'falsey'")
if " ":
print("A non-empty string, even whitespace, is 'truthy")
A for
loop works on a sequence types, generators and iterators
(this includes lists, tuples, strings and dictionaries)
for letter in "ABCD..meh":
ts = [('Z', 99), ('Y', 98), ('X', 97)]
for t in ts:
# using tuple unpacking
for m, n in ts:
print(m, n)
# for on dictionary.items()
d = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
for item in d.items():
# print(type(item))
for k, v in d.items():
print(k, v)
loops keep looping while their condition is true:
while some_condition:
Note: If the condition for your while
loops never becomes False
, the loop will run forever (in Jupyter you can do Kernel -> Interrupt to break out of the infinite loop).
a = 0
while a < 16:
print(a, end=' ')
a += 1
immediately exits a loop
immediately starts the next iteration of the loop
Any code inside the loop after a break
or continue
is skipped.
a = 0
while True:
a += 1
if a > 16:
print('We will never see this.')
if a % 2:
print('We will also never see this.')
print(a, end=' ')
List comprehensions are a shorthand way to loop over a list, modify the items and create a new list.
# Instead of doing
new_list = []
for i in range(0,11):
# Use a list comprehension instead
new_list = [i**2 for i in range(0,11)]
# You can also `filter` values using an if statement inside the list comprehension
new_list = [i**2 for i in range(0,11) if i < 4]
End part 1. Stand up and strech for a moment.