R is a language and an environment for working with data.
We will primarily work with data by writing R code.
R has a large community of users and developers,
and many specialized packages.
If every step of your analysis is recorded in an R script:
R is open-source and free, so others can use your code without any barriers.
Diagram from “R for Data Science” book (https://r4ds.hadley.nz/)
Diagram from “R for Data Science” book (https://r4ds.hadley.nz/)
Model here is intended to cover a broad range of tasks:
Diagram from “R for Data Science” book (https://r4ds.hadley.nz/)
Modelling is enabled and informed by the other steps!
Visualization to identify problems or make sure you are asking the right question.
Load and tidy and maybe transform your data to be able to plot and model it.
Finally, you should communicate your results.
We’ve had a taste of the workflow in R. We’ve covered loading, touched on tidying, done some visualization and a little modelling (or at least summarization).
You still need to communicate your results, with your colleagues or the wider world! Quarto can help with this.
Learning programming in R will super-charge your abilities. Writing your own functions, loops, packages, …