Load multiple named 3-column counts.tab.gz files from polyApipe.py into a SingleCellExperiment for analysis. Each cell will be uniquely named, and colData will include the batch.
load_peaks_counts_files_into_sce( counts_file_list, batch_names, peak_info_file, output, replace = FALSE, ... )
counts_file_list | A vector of tab-delimeted files of read counts per peak. The '<sample>.tab.gz' as output from polyApipe.py. Format: <peak> <cell> <count> |
batch_names | A vector of the batch/sample names, in same order as counts_file_list |
peak_info_file | GTF formatted peak file _specfically_ as output from polyApipe.py |
output | Where to save the sce object on disk using saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment. Should not exist. This directory will be created. |
replace | Overwrite existing output file? (Default=FALSE) |
... | Other parameters passed through to *load_peaks_counts_into_sce* e.g. n_max, min_reads_per_barcode (but not cell_prefix or missing_peaks_are_zero) |
Other peak counts loading functions:
if (FALSE) { counts_file1 <- system.file("extdata", "demo_dataset/demo_counts/SRR5259354_demo.tab.gz", package = "polyApiper") counts_file2 <- system.file("extdata", "demo_dataset/demo_counts/SRR5259422_demo.tab.gz", package = "polyApiper") peak_info_file <- system.file("extdata", "demo_dataset/demo_polyA_peaks.gff", package = "polyApiper") sce <- load_peaks_counts_files_into_sce(c(counts_file1,counts_file2), batch_names = c("demo1","demo2"), peak_info_file = peak_info_file, output = "demo1and2") }