
This is a short version of the Monash Bioinformatics Platform’s “Introduction to linear models” workshop, for the Bioconductor Training Day following ABACBS 2018.

Data should be already loaded in the “data” folder on the virtual machines for the workshop, but you will need to download the R script we will be working from:

download.file("https://github.com/MonashBioinformaticsPlatform/r-linear-abacbs2018/raw/master/r-linear-files/linear_models_abacbs2018.R", "linear_models_abacbs2018.R")


Workshop notes

Key functions to remember

Built-in to R:

lm, anova, model.matrix, coef, sigma, df.residual, predict, confint, summary
I, poly

splines – curve fitting:

ns, bs

multcomp – linear hypothesis tests (aka contrasts) and multiple comparisons:

glht, confint, summary

limma and edgeR – fitting many models to gene expression data:

DGEList, calcNormFactors, cpm
lmFit, contrasts.fit, eBayes, plotSA, topTable


This course has been developed for the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and Monash Data Fluency by Paul Harrison.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Source code