2 Set up
For this workshop you will have available a VM. However, if you which to use your local computer here are the set up instructions:
IMPORTANT: If you have an M1 Mac - Make sure you have gfortan.
2.1 Get the workshop material and data
In RStudio create a new project. This ensures all the files for this workshop are placed in their own folder.
Once you’ve created a new project, run the following R code
2.2 Package Installation
For this workshop, several packages need to be installed.
BiocManager likes to update installed packages, but we have disabled this in the R code below. If your installation fails, then you might need to turn updates on. Note that if there are a large number of packages that BiocManager wants to update it can take several hours.
These instructions have been tested with R version 4.4.0 and Bioconductor version 3.16.
## Install required packages for Seurat and clustree:
install.packages(c("Seurat", "dplyr", "remotes", "R.utils", "harmony",
"hdf5r", "clustree", "RColorBrewer","tidyverse","pander"))
## Install required Bioconductor packages
BiocManager::install(c('SingleR', 'celldex',
'BiocGenerics', 'DelayedArray', 'DelayedMatrixStats',
'limma', 'S4Vectors', 'SingleCellExperiment',
'SummarizedExperiment','edgeR' ),
2.3 Raw Data
# where are you? what folder are you working in
#> [1] "/Users/pfh/git/scRNAseq_Workshop_ABACBS_2024"
## Download and untar the data
## Download workshop.R script. This file contains all the example code for this workshop.